Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Amargosa Opera House

Just seeing a documentary about Marta Beckett and her beloved opera house inspired me to keep going a time when I'd been ready to give in to illness. This silver fox is a professional ballet dancer and choreographer and painter who's still performing on toe and producing beautiful works! If you are boo-hooing over your current lack of fame and notoriety or inability to meet your iconic standards by X age (which you've just passed ... or perhaps you've long-passed) and yet you still long to do something meaningful and beautiful (if only, if only weren't in your way), then you must become familiar with this woman. If you're worried you won't be able to sustain your level of beauty or creativity much longer and (gasp) then what? -- She'll tune-up your attitude faster than Jiffy lube.
Warning: Not only for artists and performers and the beautifully vain.

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